
Taschen Books – Vol.2

Original price was: £20.00.Current price is: £10.00.


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The Second Collection of 15 realistic Taschen Books

I used a few of these books in my projects as I was tired of using the same old Tom Ford or Chanel book to dress my scenes. I decided to make my own set of nice looking books from a selection of Taschen books I’ve either bought in the past or would love to have.

Each book has the official back, spine and cover art along with either 2, 3 or 4 opened versions of itself. I’ve provided examples of the books in the gallery.

Books included: Medieval and Renaissance Art, Nautical Works, NYT Beaches islands and coasts, NYT Cities and Towns, NYT Explorer, NYT Road Rail and Trail, OEHLEN, Sharks, The Art of Pinup, The package Design Book 1, The package Design Book 2, The package Design Book 3, The package Design Book 4, The package Design Book 5 and Valentino

*The books dimensions are based on the actual books themselves but feel free to adjust them. Enjoy


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