Valcucine Kitchen Loft


Near Monte Terminillo

Date September 2017
Type Personal

A small project inspired by a friends visit to Italy and having recently looked at kitchen systems (for reasons I’m still not sure why), I came across some incredible looking kitchens by Valcucine. I also found a great set of images of a loft on Dezeen awhile back and took the opportunity to use it as the interior space for the kitchen.

I really liked the translucent counter surface which resembles dark blue frosted glass and the sliding panel which opens up to the shelves. It also gave me the opportunity to play around a little with animation since I was fascinated with how the doors open and closed too.


Some shots I took before moving things in.

I spent a good chunk of time deliberating whether to include props to populate the loft, eventually deciding without them I was loosing an element of homeliness. I attempted to explore different areas of the house but didn’t want to lose focus on the kitchen, so a sort of study, branching off of the kitchen was as far as I went.



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