Update October ’17

Hello (again) + Welcome

Over the last few months I’ve been extremely busy working on personal projects, given that I’ve had a lot of opportunities to experiment with the new PC. I had ended up scrapping a lot of things which is why there isn’t a whole lot to show right now. This doesn’t mean I’ve not learnt a few things on the way, so this is what my next post will be about; Workflow 2.0 so to speak. How its changed and what effect its had on the way I start and finish my projects.

ABP Monthly Collection

I also aim to provide anyone who wants them, some of the models I’ve created on my projects -I’m going to release these every month in a collection. This collection will be made up of furniture, fixtures etc that I’ve come across on the web and have modelled to be used in my scenes, so watch out for that in next week. I’ll try and post some previews soon – you’ll also have the opportunity to download the free low poly versions to see if *it* works in your scene before you commit to a purchase.

It’s taking me longer than expected because some maps I’ve used have been bought and I can’t just sell/give those out. I’m having to edit them enough and drop the resolution down quite a bit to avoid any copyright issues – so they essentially become my own maps. I should get the first collection out this month.

Next project on its way

Here is a little peak into something I’m currently working on. I’m finalising the last set of shots before I publish the whole set but these should be out before the end of the month; really enjoyed working on this small project.

I would also like to say a quick thanks to those that have appreciated my work on Behance.

I’ve had the chance to talk to some incredible people within and outside the industry and hopefully I’ll collaborate with a few of you in the future.

Any questions, shoot them my way.

Edit: Holy shi*. It’s November already! Having finally posted the Valcucine Kitchen, I’m now working on the models I promised two months back. Its been incredibly busy at work so I’ve not had the time to focus on them. I’ve made a new deadline; Christmas! So expect high poly gifts this season.



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