Coming soon?

Since June of last year I’ve had the intention of realeasing a collection of books specifically from the publisher TASCHEN, amongst other models for fellow artist to put into their interiors (as the fabled Black Tom Ford book has lost all novelty). As I’m moving to Australia in September I need to get them out as quickly as possible. With the doubt that I wont, I thought I’d release a small part of the collection in the next few posts and then the rest in the following year.

Here’s a sneek peek into part of the collection.

What about the rest of the store?

I’ll also start adding the models I’ve created into the store soon; I just didnt want the store to be filled half ass attempts to flood the industry with descent models. More on that later though.

Oh and before I forget, I will get round to posting my Workflow 2.0 in the new year too.


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