
Just a quick update after a lengthy disappearance on the website. I’ve been so busy lately I don’t have the time to write as elegantly as I would like and post all the great projects I’ve had the chance to work on.

I have a ton of work to upload here that will be a continuation of my time here in South Australia, but until then, here’s a glimpse into what I’ve been up to.

After a lengthy time in and out of Lockdown, I’ve managed to maintain and create great relationships with clients and have been lucky enough to not have had COVID have too much of an effect on my ability to freelance. I’ve been fortunate enough to work with a wide range of clients around the world recently (Projects I’m currently unable to show just yet) and I’m looking forward to post COVID – if there’s ever such a thing.

Coming Back

I return to London at the end of this year and I can’t wait to collaborate in person with some good friends of mine along with some of the clients I’ve been able to build great relationships with while being here.

There is a lot more to come – including a Yacht!


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